Старт через

Cooking technology

Our goal

Our goal is to please the tastes of each client-that is why we have a varied menu with more than 60 items! To make a visit to the restaurant comfortable and interesting for guests with children-so there are organized playgrounds and free entertainment programs in almost all restaurants.

Our production

There is a full production cycle in all ™ Chicken House restaurants - from receipt and processing of raw materials to delivery of a ready dish to guests. Each restaurant has its own vegetable, cold, meat and hot shops.

Bread rolls

Our own bakery shop provides all TM "Chicken House» with fresh bread rolls and pita bread 2 times a day. It also makes muffins and crackers for cheese soup and «Caesar" salad. Rolls are prepared only with natural ingredients without preservatives and emulsifiers.


™ "Chicken House" chooses only natural and high-quality products for the preparation of its dishes. Supplier of French fries are the leading companies in the world for the production of French fries. They strictly respect all the conditions necessary for the manufacturing process and supply of quality raw materials.


Chilled chicken carcasses are delivered daily to the meat shop TM "chicken house" from the poultry farm " Verkhnevolzhskaya "(Tver region, der.Ryazanovo). They are transported in special machines-refrigerators. The trademark uses only chicken meat corresponding to GOST. For the production of beef patties purchased minced marble beef TC "Miratorg".


The sauces are cooked in the cold shop of each restaurant only from natural ingredients, without using any stabilizers and flavor enhancers. Therefore, their shelf life is only 2 hours. Only dietetic egg (shelf life of not more than 7 days) is used for cooking the branded sauce.


These drinks and desserts are made of fresh and freshly frozen cranberries, currants, strawberries, blackberries and cherries.


Special professional oils that are resistant to high temperatures are used for deep frying so the oil does not oxidize for a long time, and the products remain useful.


™"Chicken House" cares about the quality and preservation of nutrients of its products, so it uses modern equipment for its preparation. It makes it possible to cook chicken in optimal time with minimal weight loss in its own juice, to fry chicken in less than a minute.


All ™ Chicken House restaurants operate accordingly to the security system based on HACCP principles. Sanitary norms and rules are strictly observed, suppliers are selected, and laboratory tests are conducted to confirm the quality of products. All restaurants have received a voluntary sanitary-epidemiological certificate from Russian Consumer Oversight.